Urban Design & Analysis


1)    The city is a Formation. It is the largest singular outcome of human actions on the land. It is created by both intentional and unintentional human actions.

2)    The city is an environmental entity

3)    The city is an organic entity

4)    The city is an engine


5)    The city is an economic entity and exists on a surface of land values having variable elevations. The structures themselves reflect these values in their height, density and quality.

6)    The city is the outcome of cultural, social, political and regulatory actions. These actions, whether intentional or not, result in and modify the physical city.

7)    Optimal physical outcomes are created by design and delivered by policy. Since policy results in physical outcomes that are sometimes unintended, design consideration should precede the formulation of policy. Policy should be derived from design.

8)    Design is an iterative process and must be preceded by analysis. Proposals should be made based on analysis, visualized, and reanalyzed, repeating until an optimum is reached. Proposals are made from a fusion of intuition and knowledge, or art and science.

9)    Nature and physical reality must be considered first for any urban intervention at any scale. At the same time, the forms and arrangement of all elements of a design must be considered aesthetically, and aesthetic consideration must extend to every scale. Beautiful, functional cities are the only acceptable design outcome.

10) Urban development is supported and stimulated by the configuration, extents, and efficiency of the city’s movement systems. Thus carefully considered design, modification and extension of movement systems can be used to effectively shape desired and more viable and ecologically sane patterns of development. 

Ultimately anything can be designed for.




  • Theory

    Cities are best understood in layers, allowing them to be graphically taken apart into component systems and structures :



     Isolated elements and systems can be combined and recombined, dynamically or otherwise, and can serve to provide clarification of a design problem or environmental condition. These studies greatly inform the process of city design.

  • Analysis

    Post flood studies of Boulder, Colorado